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Advisor Resources

Thank you, Advisors!

Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Advisors play a vital role in the RSO community. Sponsored RSOs are required to have an advisor, however Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) recommends that even RSOs in the Registered Classification have faculty or staff advisors to support their success and growth. SLI wants to support advisors with resources, information, and collaboration. There are many changes this year that we want to make advisors aware of including the new Campus Connect. Currently, only students who are enrolled in courses and fully matriculated have access to Campus Connect. However, faculty and staff can request access to Campus Connect through the request process. Please reach out to our office via email at if you have questions, concerns, or would like access to Campus Connect.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Campus Connect is a platform designed for matriculated University of Utah Students. There may be times when people who are not matriculated students at the U will need access to Campus Connect. At
    this time, the only people granted access to Campus Connect (outside of matriculated students) would be University of Utah Faculty and Staff members.

    In order to have access University of Utah Faculty and Staff must follow this procedure:
    1. If you have not already done so, ensure you take the University of Utah Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which can be found HERE

    2. The Staff/Faculty Member must complete the Campus Connect Management Access Request Form

    3. Upon completion of the form, a Qualtrics form titled “Campus Connect Management Access Request Pt 2 – Director Approval” will be sent to the Faculty/Staff Members Director/Approver that was listed in the Campus Connect Management Access Request Form.

    4. Upon completion of this second form, Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) Staff will review completed submissions, manually upload the approved Faculty/Staff into Campus Connect, and add them (if applicable) to any groups/department pages listed in the initial Campus Connect Management Access Request Form. A Faculty/Staff member would only be denied if their FERPA training is not current or if
    their supervisor does not approve on the team member to have access.

    5. Following the manual upload, SLI Staff will email the Faculty/Staff member to inform them they have been added to the Campus Connect platform.

    6. Upon receipt Faculty/Staff will use their UID and Password to log in through the SSO


    Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this process please contact SLI Director Cassie Zamora-Cathcart (

  • Yes, SLI encourages students in Registered RSOs to find a faculty or staff advisor.

  • Advisors of Sponsored Student Organization have a specific role of supporting their RSO. Sponsored RSOs are a part of the university and your advisor role is a part of your job at the U. You will need to know policies including, but not limited to, Rule 6-401 A and Rule 6-401B and ASUU Redbook Guidelines. As an advisor, you will need to meet with your department and RSO leadership to assess what your RSO needs and what advisory support would be most effective.

  • Yes, trainings for advisors are being developed and will be posted to the SLI website.

Advisor Training Videos