Leadership Development
Student Leadership & Involvement values “leadership” as a developmental process. We are here to facilitate that process for University of Utah students, whether that is by helping students identify their leadership style, develop leadership skills, or make meaning of their experiences (formal or informal) through a lens of leadership.
We believe that each and every student at the University of Utah has leadership potential. Regardless of academic major or career trajectory, leaders are integrated into the fabric of communities everywhere. Leadership opportunities help us understand how we fit into the world, leadership is a tool for change, leadership helps us navigate complex and challenging situations, and so much more. Whether a student is navigating leadership through a group project in an academic course, or considering how they might navigate leading a student group meeting, students are exposed to leadership development opportunities throughout their college career and beyond. All students have the opportunity to engage with our office and decide what type of leader they are (or hope to become), and collaborate with our office to fine tune skillsets in their leadership development journey. These leadership experiences, and finding meaning within them, help shape who we are as people, as leaders, as change agents, ignite the hope for the future.
The Student Leadership Summit (SLS) uses the Social Change Model of Leadership Development as a framework for a series of guided conversations, engaging activities, and keynote address. Student participants spend the day engaging with a smaller cohort of students, led by a Staff SLS Facilitator. This program is meant for students (both undergraduate and graduate students alike) with an interest in developing their leadership style, regardless of where they may be at in their leadership development journey; whether you're just starting to explore what leadership means to you or you've held a variety of formal leadership positions in the past, there will be something for you at the Summit! Students who attend the summit will leave with a new network of peer student leaders from across campus, an increased appreciation for their own leadership style, and the inspiration to create positive change on campus or in the community.

One of the first things a college student might be exposed to when arriving on campus, is the message, “Get Involved!” Not only is this an incredible leadership development opportunity, but research shows that involved students get better grades, feel more connected to community and friends, and learn valuable skillsets that support them throughout their college career and beyond. Navigating “involvement” at the University of Utah is exciting, but with endless opportunities at your fingertips, it may feel overwhelming. Our Involvement Ambassadors are here to help students make a plan to get involved, and navigate the endless opportunities available to them.
While many of our programs and opportunities are offered in-person, we also recognize the importance of providing leadership development opportunities for remote learners, commuter students, and in the midst of a global pandemic.